I have been a bit delayed with this post as it is exam time here. There’s barely time to do anything else but have exam fever. Without further adieu, Madrasah Ummul Hasanaat has been informed that 112 good quality Saudi printed Arabic Qur’aans (with Indo-Pak script) and 25 Hindi/Arabic/Urdu translations of the Noble Qur’aan (by Dr. Muhsin Khan and Dr. Taqi ud Din al Hilali) has reached Bihar, India much to the delight of our brother who called for help, Zia ul Haque. Alhamdulillah!
62 copies of Saudi printed Arabic Qur’aans (with Indo-Pak script) and 15 copies of the Hindi Noble Qur’aan translation were purchased from Islamic Bookstore Kolkata (www.islamicbookstore.co.in). 50 Saudi printed Arabic Qur’aans (with Indo-Pak script) and 10 Noble Qur’aans Arabic to English and Urdu translations were purchased from Darus Salam India (www.darussalam.in). Islamic bookstore provided us with free shipping and did an excellent job with delivery. We thank both Darus Salam India (brother Zabeullah Baig) and Islamic Bookstore Kolkata (brother Muhammad Zafar) for responding to our emails.
Brother Zia ul Haque personally called me and was overwhelmed at the amount given as donations were only from the students and parents of Madrasah Ummul Hasanaat as well as the parents and families of a few of the teachers at Ummul Hasanaat.
We thank one and all for contributing to this noble cause! What a good loan you have made for the Deen of Allah.